I really cannot imagine myself doing this..
But I think I'll be reviving my blog.
I think it'd be nice if you could read your everyday happenings during your youngest and wildest days when you're old and wrinkly.
Anyways, I can barely write now, I'm like totally straining my poor brain just to think up the words to write
It's been a couple of weeks since o levels are over
YESSSS I thought the day would never come
It was truly the most stressful period of my life man, I don't recall having been this stressed over PSLE haha that was like some peanut butter slacktime for me (what on earth (=)
Anyways, I've been praying diligently (in my opinion) for my o levels ever since the start of 2009
I think I wore myself out towards the start of o levels during study leave such that I was so drained I could study no more...
Some genius told me a friend was only sleeping 2 hours a night, that was how hard people crammed and the extent to which ridiculously hardworking people can scare the toot out of me.
Like a dumb sheep, I followed......... and failed.
My faith was shaken la...and I was totally shook everybody out of my life..
But I learnt to REALLY rely on God for He never fails, YAY daddy God! (=
Paper after paper passed
Just some highlights that I can remember:
Cried after english
Rejoiced over math
Swore like mad at geography
Super disappointed at physics
Relieved after bio, then went to ion to shop haha
Anyway, in summary, o levels was a period of extreme highs and lows for me.
Oh haha and I totally screwed my second chance at chinese..I forgot to bring my jacket and I was having spasmodic contractions. I wanted to drop out so badly haha..
Let's move on,
Post o levels marked the end of my secondary school life.
I relaxed and started meeting up with all my pals and gals, even my brother's haha
Most of my friends then started leaving for holidays or found jobs.
I wanted one too, but couldn't bring myself to actually do the admin
I went to malaysia, met up with some relatives, hung out and had fun.
I shall always remember the day I watched twilight and new moon for the first time, that was in malaysia.
When the twilight craze started like last year, I promised myself to never ever fall into the trap and be another one of those fangirlies.
But in malaysia, I proudly broke it.
I watched twilight like twice and new moon at the kl gv.
but I'm like so over it now...
Some mental tidbits I made:
-Girls obsessed over Rob Pattison or however his name is spelled should seriously get their eyes checked, and then their brains checked, and then their eyes checked again haha
Firstly, he is so pale he looks sick
Secondly, he looks like he doesn't even own a shaver
Thirdly, he is so not hot or cute or whatever
And fourth, everybody with a little sense knows Johnny Depp is hotter and cuter and whatever.
haha ok,
this brings me to my new obsession over Johnny Depp
OhMyToot is he the sexiest man alive!
Now that man is talent and a balloon of charisma hahaa
People! You should watch Public Enemies! You'll not be disappointed I tell you.Michael Mann is a great director and Johnny Depp an awesome actor.
I would post a picture of him right here, but I'm not sharing him, haha no la just kidding. Search him up if you want a piece of real hotness and manliness haha
Ok, now coming back to the twilight saga,
I used to like Taylor Lautner when he was young and cute in shark boy and lava girl and cheaper by the dozen 2, but now, he just looks plain odd to me. He is pretty stout, like too buff and not enough height haha.
As for Kristen Stewart, she's got character but a lil of a flirt to me..
Ok, away from all this,
on my second trip to malaysia, I met a couple of my St Andrew's classmates of 2010.
The pre-departure briefing was interesting and helpful, I hope that I'll greatly enjoy my time in Scotland.
I'll be getting a weekly allowance of 50 pounds every week.
I hope it'd be enough for me to train down to london once in a while to catch some broadway musicals, and do other stuff of my liking.
I can't really remember what I wanted to post but this is taking up too much time.
I'm gonna go now!
See ya you pretty peeps! (=